Mountain Club of Maryland 2018 Annual Awards – NOMINATIONS CLOSING SOON

The Mountain Club is a volunteer organization and it is only with the hard work of the many volunteers that we have an outstanding club. Each year the Mountain Club recognizes some of the outstanding volunteers.

The Awards will be presented at the Holiday Party in December. The deadline for Bob Carson to receive your nominations for the awards is November 5, 2018. You can nominate a member for one of these awards by contacting Bob Carson via email. (Bob’s email address is in your club directory.) The nominations you forward to Bob should include the following:
– Nominee’s name
– Award you’re nominating that person for
– Details about why that person deserves the award.
– Your name and email address and/or phone number

The following are awards will be presented:

Eleanor Sewell Hall of Fame Award – To a current living member who has made a significant contribution to MCM of a period of several years. This award is once in a lifetime award.

The following members have received this award: Thurston Griggs, Wayne Lipscomb, Duncan Crawford, Mike Jenkins and Rosie Suit, Mike O’Connor, Steve Williams.

Outstanding Trip Leader Award – given to a trip leader who has led several hikes during the past year and is especially encouraging and helpful to participants.

The following members have received this award: Jim Koury, Peter Johnson, John and Sally Heyn, Gary Reinoehl, Ann Roberts, Caryn Joachim.

Unsung Hero orHeroine Award – is given to a male or female member who has made a significant contribution to MCM out of the spotlight in the past year.

The following members have received this award: Patty Williams, Dan McQueen, Carolyn Bauer, Bill Bauer, Liz Kristofferson, Don Lears, Karen Klinedinst, Steve Williams, Amanda Greene, Jim and Sharon Koury, Leslie Marcuse, David Yanosik.

Bob Grossman Outstanding Service to MCM in areas other than trip leading (club officer, committee chair or member, work trips, etc.)

The following members have received this award: John Eckard, Dick Behrens, Reuben Dagold, Janine Grossman, Bob Grossman, Jerry Wright, Bill Saunders.

Repeat :
The deadline for Bob Carson to receive your nominations for the awards is November 5, 2018.