On 6 dates in October, an Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) – sponsored work crew will be working to build tent pads at our Alec Kennedy shelter near Boiling Springs, PA.

The trail crew will be working on the following days:

  • Tuesday through Friday, October 4 – 7
  • Thursday and Friday, October 13-14
  • Monday, October 17

We will be seeking MCM volunteers to help out by joining the trail crew on one or more of these work days. The work will involve digging tent pads, as well as side trails to connect them in rocky soil. The work will be directed by an experienced ATC trail crew supervisor. If possible, we will arrange carpools from the Baltimore area.

This is an opportunity to give back to the trails that benefit us all and help make improvements to one of MCM’s A.T. hiking shelters. So, I hope you will consider volunteering a day (or more) of your time to help. I’ll send more information in October. Meanwhile, if you are willing to consider helping, please mark your calendars.