Just the FAQs, Ma’am!

The Mountain Club of Maryland leadership team often receives questions (both club members and nonmembers) asking about club policies, help to resolve a problem, etc. When we receive multiple questions about the same topic, we consider whether the topic is suitable to be added to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). We’ve added several new FAQs in recent months. The FAQs include topics such as:

  • How do I renew my membership?
  • How can I pay with a credit or debit card if I don’t have a Paypal account?
  • How do I change my address or email in the Member Directory?
    How do I join the email listserv for MCM members?
  • What types of topics are appropriate to discuss on the MCM listserv?

We encourage all MCM members to periodically review the FAQs, which are located under the RESOURCEs tab on the MCM web site, for new information that you may find useful.