Last Chance to Order a 90th Anniversary T-Shirt

This is the last week to order an MCM anniversary t-shirt. We have had a fair number of orders so far, and this is everyone’s last chance to join us. We’ll stop receiving orders at the end of the day on Saturday, March 30, and then turn in our order to our vendor. 

As most of you know, we plan to have an entry in the Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture parade on May 4 to kick off our anniversary celebration, and we hope to have our volunteer team wear the new t-shirts as part of the celebration. It would be even cooler if some of our other members show their t-shirts when they are watching the parade.

Thanks to everyone who has made a purchase so far, and I hope some of you will take advantage of the opportunity before it ends this week. To order, go to our web site, click on MEMBERSHIP, then click SHOP. Then choose the item and size you want from the drop-down list in the white box at the bottom of the page. That will lead you to the PayPal process. If any questions, send an email to