MCM Invites Your Suggestions for Improving the Mountain Club

This spring, after we implemented our new MCM web site, I heard a number of suggestions during hikes about possible improvements of the site, especially in regard to the new hike scheduling process. At that time, I promised that I would provide an opportunity this summer for members to submit their ideas.

We are very pleased with the appearance and added functionality of our new web site, but we do want to hear members’ views about how the new site is working and their ideas about possible improvements. So, if you do have suggestions, please share them with MCM leadership by sending your comments / ideas to

On a larger scale, MCM leadership is proud of our club’s hiking program and trail activities. But again, we welcome input about how we can improve our organization and programs. So, if you have suggestions about how we can do better, please send those to the same address:

Any suggestions we receive will be compiled, categorized, and reviewed by the MCM Council. Those suggestions we agree with will be prioritized and, if possible, adopted (depending on their feasibility and costs).